Saturday, September 19, 2020

How to display an image from Google Drive in an App Inventor 2 application

In App Inventor, create an interface with button and picture components.

In the blocks part, program the button so that when you click on it, an image saved in google drive is displayed.

  • This image is called with a URL.
  • To get this URL, go to Google Drive.
  • Right click on the image, then click "Get Link".

  • In the window that appears, change the visibility to "Anyone with the link".

  • Click on "Copy link"

Here is the URL provided by Google Drive.

Google Drive does not directly provide a URL that is properly linked to a file stored there, you have to change the shared URL yourself for the file to show or download it outside of Google Drive.

The URL links generated by Google Drive come in two variants: 1MMPYYb3c0uSquGz6X9LLSgN05FbQAEF- /view?usp=sharing   FileID   /view?usp=sharing

OU 1MMPYYb3c0uSquGz6X9LLSgN05FbQAEF-      FileID

The red string represents the image ID. It is a unique identifier

To create the new URL:
  • Write:

    • Then add the image ID: = FileID

    The new URL obtained is: 1MMPYYb3c0uSquGz6X9LLSgN05FbQAEF-

    Now, instead of manually changing the URL, create a feature in App Inventor2 that performs this task.

    Here's how to call this module you just created.

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