Sunday, September 20, 2020

Microbit - App Inventor: Access the car park with my phone

With the Mit App inventor couple, BBC Micro: bit we create a parking barrier that opens / closes automatically using voice. The voice is detected by the smartphone's microphone, and transmitted to the Microbit card via a Bluetooth connection.

The material needed to carry out this project:

  • Microbit card
  • Servo motor
  • Phone battery Standard voltage 3.8V to power the servo motor.
  • Battery holder for Micro: Bit with 2 AAA batteries
  • 2 crocodile clip cable
  • Plastic and red skotch to create the barrier
  • A support for the barrier

In App Inventor create this interface

Here are the blocks necessary for the Bluetooth connection between smartphone and Microbit.

Blocks that enable voice recognition.

Go to, add the bluetooth extension and create these blocks.

If you find any difficulties in wiring or bluetooth connection between Microbit and smartphone, please watch this video.

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